I bought a server a while back and finally decided to put it to use.
This is temporary until I get 1.3 working and all the server mods I want on it, so if one day (in a month or so) you start getting connection errors, you'll know why. I'll keep a backup just in case I want to go back to H/M for a bit in the future.
Server type is Tekkit, which can be found in the Technic pack.
Online mode is true (means no offline names or cracked clients)
Whitelist is off, so anyone can connect.
Max population is 40.
connect to mc.gametack.org (alternate address is
port is default (25565) so there's no need to include it.
You bought a server? Why? I have a Minecraft server up 24/7 no money required :o
because dedicated servers don't rely on me keeping my computer on 24/7
that and the free dedi's out there suck. 2GB of RAM is just enough to cover what I need.